-3.0°c |
Feels like: Wind: Humidity: |
-4°c ENE 2 km/h 97% |
Sunrise: Sunset: Normal max: Normal min: |
08:03 16:44 2°c -3°c |
Observed at: Squamish Airport Friday January 17, 2025 at 22:00 PST |
Low: -6°c Clear. Becoming partly cloudy before morning. Wind light except north 40 km/h over southern sections. Low minus 6. Wind chill minus 12 overnight. |
High: 2°c A mix of sun and cloud. Clearing near noon. Wind north 20 km/h except 50 over southern sections in the morning and early in the afternoon. Wind becoming light early in the afternoon. High plus 2. Wind chill minus 12 in the morning. UV index 1 or low. |
Low: -5°c Clearing late in the evening. Wind light except north 40 km/h over southern sections late in the evening and overnight. Low minus 5. Wind chill minus 6 in the evening and minus 12 overnight. |
High: 2°c Sunny. |
Low: -7°c Clear. |
High: 1°c Increasing cloudiness. |
Low: -4°c Cloudy periods. |
High: 4°c Sunny. |
(Data supplied by Environment Canada.)