-32.8°c |
Feels like: Wind: Humidity: |
-52°c N 42 km/h 63% |
Sunrise: Sunset: Normal max: Normal min: |
09:37 14:15 -28°c -36°c |
Observed at: Naujaat Saturday January 18, 2025 at 00:00 CST |
Low: -33°c Clear. Blowing snow. Wind north 30 km/h gusting to 50. Temperature steady near minus 33. Wind chill near minus 52. Frostbite in minutes. |
High: -32°c Sunny. Blowing snow. Wind north 40 km/h gusting to 60. Temperature steady near minus 32. Wind chill near minus 52. Frostbite in minutes. |
Low: -32°c Clear. Blowing snow. Wind north 40 km/h gusting to 60. Temperature steady near minus 32. Wind chill near minus 52. Frostbite in minutes. |
High: -31°c Sunny. |
Low: -32°c Clear. |
High: -29°c Sunny. |
Low: -31°c Clear. |
High: -24°c Sunny. |
(Data supplied by Environment Canada.)